What is ART3MIS-AI?

ART3MIS-AI (Augmented Real Time 3D Mapping with Integrated Artificial Intelligence) is a geospatial artificial intelligence framework & prototype system that is built to extract refined 2D and 3D geospatial information with embedded metrics. ART3MIS-AI is designed for flexible deployment across stakeholder domains. ART3MIS-AI intelligently fuses information, adaptable to stakeholder’s different geospatial sensing modalities, within a novel AI-integrated 4-Stage system.

Click here to view our ART3MIS-AI prototype applied to the Forestry & Wildfire Mitigation

Why was ART3MIS-AI designed?

Remote Sensing and Geospatial technologies are critical to close the widening gap between the area of coverage necessary and physical personnel limitations across mitigation domains, however current Remote Sensing deployments often lack the tactical resolution levels of key individual object-level horizontal & vertical metrics, requiring time-intensive and cost-intensive manual classification metrics that inhibits responsive mitigation mapping, analysis, and planning.

How does ART3MIS-AI address these barriers?

The ART3MIS-AI (Augmented Real-Time 3-D Mapping with Integrated Sensing AI) Framework and System leverages Geospatial research advances within a novel AI cascade for a cost-efficient rapid response solution architected for agency infrastructure integration. With adaptable multi-modal sensing input, ART3MIS-AI utilizes a 4-stage modular pipeline to automate the extraction of ‘Smart’ 2-D Imagery & 3-D Point Clouds with augmented hyperspectral information, object classification, and structural/high-value operational mission metrics to the individual object scale.

The system framework design of ART3MIS-AI was built to be adaptable where users have the power to efficiently add, turn off, and modify modules. The modules provide tailored interpretable outputs, intelligently designed to enhance calibrated decisionmaker trust across the integrated AI & physics-based solutions.

ART3MIS-AI accelerates structured tactical data delivery to mitigation management professionals and provides tailored virtual planning through integrated and exportable 2-D & 3-D geospatial information system dashboard capabilities with the visualized mission metrics. ART3MIS-AI holds potential in additional climate, disaster management, and defense deployments from growth analysis and infrastructure risk/damage assessment to satellite post-processing systems and terrain/path navigation.

We’d like to thank our partners in this research for all their support.

USFS Angeles National Forest